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Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Two young local activists were arrested for supporting Burmese

Two young local activists were arrested by the police this afternoon for protesting against the denial of work permits to Burmese nationals who had taken part in protests in Singapore against the military regime in Burma.

Mr Seelan Palay, 24, and Mr Chong Kai Xiong, 27, were detained in front of the Manpower Ministry building at Havelock Road after they staged an hour-long protest in support of two Burmese nationals awaiting deportation following the Ministry's refusal to renew their work permits.

The two local activists went to MOM at noon wearing red t-shirts with words "We pursue peace, justice, democracy for Burma" on the back and a small map of Burma with "We are one" emblazoned on the front. The two said that as Singaporeans "we are expressing solidarity with the Burmese activists being persecuted by the PAP government" for their opposition to the military junta in their country.

The local activists also displayed a placard reading "stop ill treatment of Burmese activists".

Soon a CISCO security guard approached them. Later, another security guard appeared on the scene and together the two guards tried to shield away the protesters from the passers-by and onlookers. It took nearly an hour for the police to arrive and arrest the activists for "criminal trespass".

Both of them were handcuffed and driven away to the Central Police Station. After nearly five hours, both protesters were released on a $2,000 bail each on one surety. They have been told to report at the station two weeks from now.

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